Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Visit from a Pigeon...

Not to be outdone by Dan's sisters, who found a chicken at their parents' house, (read about that on Elizabeth's and Tori's blogs) we found a pigeon on our balcony the other day. Tami and Zeke woke up Monday morning while Dan was out of town to find a pigeon on their balcony. They gave him some bread and water and he stayed there all day long. We think he had a hurt wing. Dan got home last night and the pigeon was still sitting out there on our minuscule balcony. He went out and said hi to him and went to bed.
This morning, they woke up and he was still there. Unfortunately, Dan's grandmother doesn't have a large plot of land near here where she can take care of the pigeon (refer back to the chicken story). So, we were kind of at a loss of what to do. Dan went out and waved at the pigeon (he did NOT shoo him away) and the pigeon flew from our balcony to the roof of a building across the street. He stayed over there most of the day.
A few hours later, though, we found him again on our balcony. We guess he felt at home here. So we gave him a little more bread and played with him a bit. Zeke really enjoyed him. After a while he got back up on the rail and we bade him farewell again. This time he flew around the corner and we're not sure where he went. We'll let you know if he shows up again. In case he does show up again, we'd love to hear ideas of what to do with an injured pigeon. (Please keep them humane.)
Here are a few pictures of the fun times and a video of Zeke playing:
Another shot of our little friend.
Tami and Zeke watching the bird. Kaiyah didn't show much interest.
Zeke calling the bird. You'll see this in the video below.


Fred and Renee said...

That is too funny. He didn't appear to scared of Zeke at all. I bet he comes back - free bread and all. I love the video!

Elizabeth said...

I'm definitely going to need you to keep the bird!!! He's so sweet. And I giggled like a teenage girl when I watched the video of Zeke! He's SOOO sweet!!