Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Day Out...

We needed to go to another part of our city today to turn some stuff in for work. We hadn't really been there together before, so we decided to make a day of it. (Well, a morning/afternoon of it.) It's amazing the things you see when you go somewhere new. We saw awe-inspiring views of water and boats, as well as majestic antique buildings and walls. However, perhaps the neatest thing we saw was a shiny-rock encrusted (rather than jewel encrusted) Volkswagen Beetle. It was pretty cool. And if you notice the plug underneath the back tire in the picture below, we were thinking it probably lit up or something at night.

Also while we were out, Zeke got a big sucker, which he was eating as he fell asleep. We got him all cleaned up later and now he's sticky no more.


Anonymous said...

You wore him out. How did Kaiyah like the outing?

Jennifer said...

This is mom - I can't wait to see everything. And by everything, I mean Zeke and Kaiyah - although the antique buildings and seascape sounds really neat.