Tuesday, June 03, 2008

And the Best Husband award goes to Dan . . .

So, I have to take this opportunity to brag on my wonderful husband, Dan. Since we got home from the hospital, I developed severe headaches caused from the epidural I had. The only way to alleviate the pain was to lay flat on my back. Zeke has had a fever for the past day or so, and has been a little fussy because of that. On top of that we've had all the normal adjustments of bring a new baby home and keeping a household functioning. Most of this work has fallen on Dan. He has been such a trooper doing whatever needed to be done, getting us all food and medicine, changing diapers, playing with kids, keeping Kaiyah awake when she was supposed to be awake and asleep when she was supposed to be asleep, washing dishes, running errands . . . The list goes on and on. Dan is always a wonderful husband and father, but this week has proven that all again. And he is so good about doing it all without complaining. We are so blessed to have him as the head of our home, and I'm so grateful that my children have a role model like him.


Anonymous said...

Tami I hope that you start feeling better soon. I am so glad that you have such a wonderful husband. That was the Fathers plan for you both. And to be where you are now. I am so happy for both of you. Love you and what you are doing with 2 young children. You both are blessed and a blessing to all who know you.

Elizabeth said...

Wow. I just teared up a little. I'm so happy, Tami that you realize how much Dan loves his family. And Dan, I'm so happy you have Tami, a wonderful loving wife. You guys are so blessed. I love you all and miss you.

Unknown said...

Go Dan!!! I hope you are starting to feel some better! Epidural headaches are NO FUN! I had one for several days after I had my spinal block with Macie and it was rough! Luckily, Macie was still in the NICU so I was able to get some rest. I will be praying for you!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Jennifer said...

I think it's in the genes...
I wish I was there to help!!

amy said...

He's a keeper! Thanks for taking care of my sis Dan...and Tam I hope you are feeling better - so you can enjoy your baby! Love you all!

Fred and Renee said...

I (Renee) would love to take credit for Dan being such a thoughtful husband but I do believe that the real credit goes to the role model that he had growing up - Fred. I am proud that he is following in his father's footsteps. I also know that one key to being a good husband is having a good wife and Tami I thank God everyday that Dan has you. I wish I was there right now to help, but I will be there soon.

The Jetsons said...

Dan you big STUD!! You're always making us slacker dads look bad.:) Keep up the great work, their worth it!!