Friday, June 15, 2012

Zeke's Barberry Balls Recipe

Zeke has recently started learning how to cook.  He has been helping me make things for a long time, but he likes to do it by himself now that he can read a recipe.  Yesterday morning he asked if he could make us breakfast all by himself, WITHOUT a recipe.  I was thinking that perhaps he could pull out the cereal or something of that nature.  The next thing I hear from the kitchen is the mixer whirring around.  Oh dear, I thought!  A few minutes later Sierra walks in covered in some brown substance.  As I walk past the kitchen to get her cleaned up, this is what I saw.

 I'll confess, at first I thought, oh no, my prized vanilla, all over the floor and table.  But I did good and held my tongue.  I then realized it was my maple flavoring, which is also prized, but not AS prized as my vanilla!  So we had a little chat about how maple flavoring is not typically used in baked goods.  

So, here it is ladies and gentlemen, what you've all been waiting for.

Zeke's Barberry Balls Recipe
Mix unspecified amounts of sugar, sunflower oil and barberries with a mixer.  Add salt and baking powder, 1 egg and 1 1/2 cups of flour.  Roll into small balls and bake at 350 for 5-8 minutes.


1 comment:

Kim Gibson said...

Yum! I wish I could have some! I am so impressed!