Sunday, September 18, 2011

15 months!

It's official! We have a 15 month old in the house! Here are some pictures of what this sweet and spunky little girl has been up to . . .
Apparently all dress up outfits require a straw hat to complete the look. And since there are some other pretty cute folks in this house, here are a few more . . .


Fred and Renee said...

I absolutely LOVE these pictures!!!! Hurry up and get here so I can hug those cute kids in person. And their parents!!

The Jetsons said...

We miss you guys and missed not getting to see you on our way back in but it was a short layover. You guys are in the states now, right? For how long? We'll be back in the Big Bird in Jan. Will you be back by then? Talk to you later, enjoy and tell your ever growing family we say hello!