Friday, March 04, 2011

Grandma Hunt

2437 S. 128th east avenue . . . It's a funny thing, I couldn't tell you a single address of where I lived growing up, or in college. I can't remember the address of the apartment I lived in post college, shoot, I can't really even tell you my current address. But I think my Grandma's address is permanently etched in my mind. She hasn't lived there is a LOT of years, but it was the address we used for our permanent address when I was growing up overseas, so I guess that's what it is, a permanent address! My Grandma passed away yesterday, but the funny thing is, the Grandma I remember is the Grandma in this house. Dan never met this Grandma, I wished he had. So, I thought in her memory, I would share some of the memories I have of her.

When I was in 5th grade or so, my sister and I went to live with my Grandma for a few months while my parents studied language in another country. A lot of my memories come from this time period. Who can remember Grandma without thinking of jello and nutty buddies for dessert :) We always had Taco Tico tacos for lunch on Sunday because they had a 3 for $1.00 sale. And there was always cosmopolitan ice cream in the freezer.

I remember my Grandma was willing to play game after game with my sister and I. I don't know how many rounds of skipbo we played in a week! Dominoes were also a favorite of hers. She had a pool table in her garage, and she could definitely hold her own.

I remember hours of Mr. Ed, Green Acres and [gasp] soap operas! I can still hear her saying, "You're going to catch your death of cold!" and "Lawzie". I think my sister at one point started a book of all her funny sayings.

I remember her out working in her yard, mowing the lawn tirelessly even when her knees ached with arthritis. She grew tomatoes and had a pretty grape vine.

She was very giving, always looking in on her neighbors as they looked in on her. Giving people rides when they needed it. She always greeted people with a sing-songy "Good Morning!"

Before my Grandfather died, they had planned to come visit us in Africa. My grandfather passed away, but my grandmother chose to go ahead and come all that way on her own. I don't remember the circumstances, but on this visit she and another lady had to bring a fishing boat part way to get to us. I have this vision in my head of my sweet and fairly large grandma being carried over the last few waves by this little African man. Haha. I'm sure I could go on and on but I'll stop here. I'm grateful for the wonderful influence Norma Hunt was on my life and so many others around her. I am so happy that she has been released from the captivity of a body and mind that is fallen and is now complete and whole, living joyfully with our Savior.
Paul and Norma Hunt
I love you Grandma.


Fred and Renee said...

Tami, I am sitting here with tears running down my face and praying that my grandchildren will have such special memories of me when I leave this world. Beautifully written.You were blessed to have her and she was blessed to have you. I love you.

Fred Shackelford said...


amy said...

437-5466 - that was her phone number! :) Tami, I love reading about all of your memories and I too wish Dan could have known the real grandma! Do you remember when she watched soap operas, sometimes she would send us into the bedroom and she'd pull a folding chair up really close to the TV screen and turn the sound waaay down, so we wouldn't see or hear! So funny! In addition to jello, there was always cottage cheese...and she kept every container. Sometimes she would be snoozing in her chair and then she'd sort of open one eye and look over at you - Mark and I call that the Norma Hunt look. She did mow that huge yard of hers and for a long time, her lawn mower was missing one wheel - but that didn't stop her! She lead a full exciting life and created community around her. I will miss her too. Love you guys!

Tori and Lee said...


I loved reading the stories about your grandmother, and am so glad that you will have these stories to cling to in the many years to come! gah, she was a GORGEOUS woman! I really love that picture of her! I knowing being half a world away during times like these isn't easy... i love you and hope that you're doing ok despite this loss and all the sickness going on in the Shackelford house!

Eric and Lar Holquin said...

tami that is so awesome. what great memories. i love it. and i love how she came to visit ya'll by herself. love it. what a blessing. hugs to you my sweet friend:)

Elizabeth said...


She sounds like such a beautiful woman. I've been praying for you and your family. Thank you for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Tami, I shared your letter at the memorial service today. It was very special. Your grandma was loved and appreciated by a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

Tami, Thank you for your reflections and to Amy also for the additions. She and Dad loved all of you very much.

When you were less than 1 and Amy was 3 she looked at my dad who had false teeth and they were out. Amy said to him, "You look like my baby sister."

I am grateful that you don't really look like him now but that you do reflect a Godly and caring heritage that you reflect to your little ones and those who know you.


Unknown said...


Is this the Grandma who's house I always dropped you off at in Tulsa? I'm so sorry. What a wonderful woman!