Friday, December 25, 2009

White Christmas Eve Eve Eve...

No, it's not snowing here, but Tuesday we drove up to the top of a mountain about 2 1/2 hours away from us to play in the snow. The snow came the day before we got there and it was starting to melt the day we were leaving. (We stayed one night.) We had a lot of fun. The hotel we stayed in had a swimming pool, too, so the kids got to swim some and really had a lot of fun. Here are a few of pictures. You can see the rest here.

The kids liked being pulled on the sled we borrowed the second day there.Tami and I had more fun riding it. The kids liked that, too.Zeke managed to swim the whole length of the pool by himself. Such a big boy!Tami doesn't care for the swim cap pics (the caps were required), but I wanted to show off Kaiyah's new trick she learned and loved.Here's Tami minus the swim cap. She's so pretty!Here's the second day snowman, all finished.
The first day, it was really cold and the snow was really powdery, but the second day was a little warmer and the snow a little wetter, and the snow stuck together a lot better. You can tell by our snowmen.
This is the view from our hotel window at sunset. It was a beautiful place.

Thanks for looking. Don't forget to look at the rest of the pictures.


Connie W. said...

Thanks for sharing. Loved your pictures looks like you had a great time in the snow!!

Cindy S said...

LOVE your family fun photos!!
So thankful you have them (& the photography albums) to share. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to DAN!!!