Sunday, July 05, 2009

Business Proposition...

Since coming here we've been intrigued by a certain common business practice, often performed by children, but as you can see, not necessarily. People sit on the sides of the streets with a set of bathroom scales. Their customers will then give them money in order to weigh themselves. We have yet to see the number on the scale being kept a private affair. Typically everyone gathers around to see how much the person weighs!
We would be curious for someone to try this in the States and let us know how it goes!


Fred and Renee said...

Well, I would be the one with the scales weighing other people before I would be the one being weighed. Especially since I remember seeing this done on the street down from your apt. The other people not only look at the person's weight - they call out how much it is. No thanks!:-)

Hannah and Randy said...

that's hilarious! and, i love the 4th of july pics! miss you guys!