Sunday, November 18, 2007

Funny Fruit...

So, I got home from language school the other day and Tami had been to the local bazaar to get fruits and vegetables. She said, "Hey, I got you cherries today!" (We have heard of the wonderful cherries here since we were in the states, though we didn't think it was the season.) So, I went in the kitchen and looked at the bowl of cherries and thought, "These cherries look funny. They're much rounder than those in the states." Well, upon eating the first one, I found out that they weren't cherries at all. The picture's below. See if you can guess. The answer follows...


Anonymous said...

Brought back memories in my childhood when my mom (your grandmom)picked wild plums and made jam from them. Great stuff! You guys are blessed and so are we.

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Cute story. Really funny. You guys's adventures are cracking me up. By the way.. your finger nails look kind've long in this picture. I'm hoping it's just an illusion. Love you!

Dan and Tami said...

I don't think my nails looked that long. Hairy fingers, sure, but that's just me. By the way, did you mean "kind've" as in "kind have" or "kind of"?

Anonymous said...

Very funny. I'm glad to see you've got jokes all the way from across the world. :) Love you.