Sunday, May 20, 2007

From Jamaica to Ethiopia...

Well, not really the country, just a restaurant. This past Friday, we went with Tami's parents and a family friend of theirs to Abbyssinia, an Ethiopian restaurant in Memphis, in celebration of Tami's birthday. It was really quite interesting, because rather than using silverware to eat, you use this spongy-pancakey-type bread called injera. You can order different meats and vegetables to be put on a large plate in the center of the table, and you are each given a plate of injera with which to eat the food. You just break off pieces of the bread, pick up the food from the plate, and eat it. You can see all the different foods we had in the picture below. Also, they had normal tables and chairs where you could sit if you wanted to, but for a more authentic (though likely not totally authentic) experience, you should sit on the little wicker stools and eat from the wicker table. There are better pictures of it on their website. Anyway, it was a very fun meal and it didn't taste bad, either. If you're into trying new things, you should check it out.

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