Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sierra is TWO!

Where do I even start with this precious girl?  Two years have passed since this not-so-little baby made her appearance into our lives.  Sunday night we were riding home on a bus.  We didn't get home until midnight, so of course the kids fell asleep.  As I held Sierra on my lap, with her sweet little face cuddled against my shoulder, I couldn't help but treasure the moment.  For one, these moments are rare.  Sierra is incredible independent and self-sufficient.  Typically the only time she wants to be held is when she hears Kaiyah asking to be held.  With the 2nd birthday, it seems babies leave their babyhood and turn all little girl.  I'm thankful to have had these last few moments to treasure my baby-turned-little-girl right before her birthday. 

Sierra is full of fun and mischief.  She is our little bully, our family clown, and likely going to become more and more bossy as the years go on.  She gives the sweetest smiles, and melts your heart with her love.  She isn't afraid to try things, loves Dora, and playing on the ipad.  She loves to eat, and will eat most anything.  We love you Sierra Nicole!  Happy 2nd Birthday!

1 comment:

Fred and Renee said...

Mawmaw and Pawpaw love you so much!! Can't believe that you are 2 years old!! Happy birthday, Sierra!