Saturday, June 02, 2012

Kaiyah is 4!

Our sweet Kaiyah turned 4 years old a few days ago.  There are moments when she seems so grown up, and other times when she still seems little and vulnerable.  She is still very shy with people she doesn't know well, but there are several teenage or nearly teenage girls that she ADORES, and she talks about them constantly.  If they are around she is right by their side.  Kaiyah is super sweet and affectionate.  She tells you she loves you all the time.  I wasn't feeling well the other day, and she came to my bed and kept saying, "I sorry you hurt momma.  I sorry you don't feel good."  However, whenever Zeke or Sierra are getting in trouble, she also makes sure to be right there spouting her love for me ;)  She is very sensitive, making her prone to tears, but also giving her a love for those around her.  Kaiyah plans to marry Zeke's friend Jacob.  Her best friend is Avery, and it's so sweet to watch them having conversations with one another.  I need to capture some of those moments on video, but I'm not very good about that.  She loves to giggle and has an amazing imagination, always acting out some dialog between one toy and another.  She can laugh hysterically with Zeke, and fight fiercely with him all in the matter of seconds.  Yes, our sweet Kaiyah is 4 years old.  Here are a couple of pictures from her actual birthday!  

1 comment:

Fred and Renee said...

I love that girl so much!!She is such a blessing!!!!