Well, in our country, there's no such thing as microwave popcorn, so we haven't actually eaten any popcorn since we've been here. Last week, however, we bought some normal popcorn and figured out how to pop it on the stove. Today, we had our first stovetop popcorn and it turned out quite good.

you're so creative. glad it turned out good. looks like Zeke liked it. :)
Cool! You need a popcorn machine like Fred's. U don't think we can get it on the plane though.
Looks great - stove top beats microwave! Zeke is so cute.
I can't believe that it took you so long to make stovetop popcorn. That was the only way I had popcorn when I was growing up. I've made it for my boys but they prefer microwave instead. Which is okay because that is easier to make. Glad that you have popcorn now. Can't live without it.
Here is another way. when I was a kid we put it in a wire basket with a handle over it and put it into the fire (coal stove in our case but works fine in a fire place or over a camp fire), Honest, add salt and it's great.
Love you,
Dad and Grand Dad
Great idea!!! Looks yummy!
mike o'neal would be the first to tell you that stovetop corn beats microwave hands down.
Love you guys & congrats!
That is how we do it as well here in Africa. Only for my household of 13 I have to make 3-4 pots every time I make it! I would die without popcorn, the kids think I am being nice and making it for them, but really it's for me :)
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