Renee (my mother-in-law) always tells this story from when Dan and Fred (Dan's brother) were kids. Fred (my father-in-law) took them to a place to fish where you paid by the fish you caught. They spent the day there and came home with a lot of fish, basically the week's food budget. At first Renee was caught off guard and couldn't believe they had spent all that money on fish. But then Fred said, "It was worth every penny to have that memory with my sons."
Well, Thursday I had language class. The girls were taking a nap, so Dan took Zeke out while I was in class. What was supposed to be a 2 hour outing turned into a 7 hour geocaching trip. Each cache they went to find, the place was closed, or they couldn't find it. One of the spots was at this picnicking place, so Dan ordered a plate of kofte (meatballs . . . kind of). A plate of kofte typically costs $5.00 or so, but as they brought out bread and vegetables and raw meat with a grill for the guys to cook it themselves, Dan started thinking it would probably be a bit more than normal. And it was! A lot more! But when Dan got home and was telling me about their day, hunting for the caches together, singing, counting, talking . . . his eyes teared up with the memories and we both agreed, it was worth every penny!