I have no idea where the past year went, nor what happened to that sweet 10 lb. 6 oz., not so little newborn that was placed in my arms! It is hard to imagine our family without this precious little girl. I love her sweet smile that she generously shares with others. I love her love for her daddy and how she grabs for him whenever he is near by. I've loved watching her learn how to do everything as quickly as possible in order to keep up with her siblings. I love that she is FINALLY saying mama, at least sometimes :)
She is so funny. Since she got new toys on her birthday, she has been very protective of those toys. Whenever the other kids play with them, she grabs for them and yells ;) Yes, she is a sinner just like the rest of us, but precious non-the-less! She loves anything made into the shape of a Popsicle, tomatoes, and really, most anything she can put in her mouth. She tries to put everything into her mouth. My other kids never did that, but Sierra definitely likes to use her sense of taste to examine the outside world. When she's tired she sings herself to sleep. When her sister sings, she claps along. She cries as loud as she can when she is left in the nursery. We're working on that.
Yes, we are blessed!