Dan and Zeke are off at a Memphis Tigers game, so the girls are hanging out at home. At dinner Kaiyah was telling me a story about Zeke teasing her. I said, "Brothers like to tease, don't they?". Kaiyah: "Yes, they do." Me: "Do sisters like to tease?" Kaiyah: "No, they like to talk and hug!" I think she has it figured out pretty well!
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
15 months!
It's official! We have a 15 month old in the house! Here are some pictures of what this sweet and spunky little girl has been up to . . .
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Out with Dad

Renee (my mother-in-law) always tells this story from when Dan and Fred (Dan's brother) were kids. Fred (my father-in-law) took them to a place to fish where you paid by the fish you caught. They spent the day there and came home with a lot of fish, basically the week's food budget. At first Renee was caught off guard and couldn't believe they had spent all that money on fish. But then Fred said, "It was worth every penny to have that memory with my sons."
Well, Thursday I had language class. The girls were taking a nap, so Dan took Zeke out while I was in class. What was supposed to be a 2 hour outing turned into a 7 hour geocaching trip. Each cache they went to find, the place was closed, or they couldn't find it. One of the spots was at this picnicking place, so Dan ordered a plate of kofte (meatballs . . . kind of). A plate of kofte typically costs $5.00 or so, but as they brought out bread and vegetables and raw meat with a grill for the guys to cook it themselves, Dan started thinking it would probably be a bit more than normal. And it was! A lot more! But when Dan got home and was telling me about their day, hunting for the caches together, singing, counting, talking . . . his eyes teared up with the memories and we both agreed, it was worth every penny!
Bosphorus Cruise
Thanks to my sweet friend watching the kids, Dan and I got to go on a much needed date this past week. We've lived here almost 4 years now, and have never taken a Bosphorus Cruise, so that's what we did. We took an hour and a half boat ride up the Bosphorus. We then had 3 hours in a little town to hike up to a "castle" and eat a delicious seafood lunch, followed by an hour and a half boat ride back home. We had a great day!

Friday, August 05, 2011
Slumber Party
The kids and I had a slumber party last night while daddy was away. They usually go to bed at 8 PM, but I let them stay up watching TV until about 8:45. Then I put the TV on the "home" channel, thinking I could be entertained, and they would fall asleep. Unfortunately, Zeke found it very entertaining, and wouldn't stop talking about how great the house was that they were showing! So, 9 PM and off went the television. But, the memory of falling asleep with my kiddos was something I didn't want to forget, so I'm writing it down here. I was laying there with my sweet one year old pressed up against my leg, sleeping peacefully. My precious 3 year old's hand was tucked gently into mine as she fell asleep. To top it all off, my sweet boy quietly sat up and covered me with the covers. My heart was full. But then, 12:50 AM rolls around and I'm wide awake. So, I've been watching my sweet kids sleeping, wanting to take a picture of them. Then I look over and the one year old and almost five year old were holding hands in their sleep. Okay, I couldn't resist anymore, so I got up to get the camera, but apparently our old camera isn't working right now. Alas. It's been a fun night, but I'm going to be tired in the morning :)
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Our FIRST chapter book!
5 days ago Zeke and I started reading a chapter book. We had tried a different one a few months ago, and Zeke didn't get into it much, so I figured he just wasn't old enough yet. However, last week we decided to give The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton (one of my favorite authors as a child) a try and he LOVED it. 5 days later, we've read the entire 214 page book! As soon as it was over Zeke said, "Can we start over now?" I think not, we'll have to find a new book to read :)

Sunday, July 03, 2011
"Short" cut
Kaiyah has had one hair cut in her life, it was when she was around 18 months old. She was well overdue for a trim. So, she and I set out for a mommy-daughter date to get her hair cut and have our toes painted. We went to my normal pedicure place for her "short" cut (as she kept calling it). She was rather apprehensive about the prospect. Zeke so kindly kept reminding her that it wouldn't hurt (I wonder where she even got that idea?) Anyways, Saturday mornings are not the time to go to the "Kuafor", apparently, because 3 brides were all in there getting ready for their big day. We watched the guy who was going to cut Kaiyah's hair. It took him an hour to get the lady's hair into a bun that pleased her. When he started on the next lady, we decided we might be better off going somewhere else. So, we headed to the mall where I knew of a children's hair place. And though we didn't get our pedicures, Kaiyah got to pick out some fun nail polish and we painted her toes when we got home. I love these special one-on-one times with my kids!

100 Cookies!!!
So, when we first started Zeke's phonics program, we promised him that when he completed his 100th lesson, we would make 100 cookies. There was some good incentive to persevere! Well, the day finally came and 100 cookies were made. Thankfully, the occasion coincided with a 4th of July trip to the beach with friends, so we won't have to eat them all ourselves :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Sierra is ONE!

I have no idea where the past year went, nor what happened to that sweet 10 lb. 6 oz., not so little newborn that was placed in my arms! It is hard to imagine our family without this precious little girl. I love her sweet smile that she generously shares with others. I love her love for her daddy and how she grabs for him whenever he is near by. I've loved watching her learn how to do everything as quickly as possible in order to keep up with her siblings. I love that she is FINALLY saying mama, at least sometimes :)
She is so funny. Since she got new toys on her birthday, she has been very protective of those toys. Whenever the other kids play with them, she grabs for them and yells ;) Yes, she is a sinner just like the rest of us, but precious non-the-less! She loves anything made into the shape of a Popsicle, tomatoes, and really, most anything she can put in her mouth. She tries to put everything into her mouth. My other kids never did that, but Sierra definitely likes to use her sense of taste to examine the outside world. When she's tired she sings herself to sleep. When her sister sings, she claps along. She cries as loud as she can when she is left in the nursery. We're working on that.
Yes, we are blessed!
Friday, June 03, 2011

Umm, where did this little girl come from and what did she do with my baby? Seriously, it seems like over night Kaiyah grew into a little girl. Her favorite saying right now is, "I a three year old. I can do it all myself." Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes not so much :)
So often these days I find my heart just filled and over flowing with gratitude from all God has blessed me with. I love my family so much. I love being the mom to Kaiyah. I love to hear her giggle with delight. I love it when she looks over at me and says, "I do love you." I love eavesdropping on all the conversations she has with her toys, or really any object she happens to decide to play with. I love to watch her friendship with Zeke and Sierra grow.
Last year at this time she would pitch fits when forced to wear dresses. This year, she wears them with delight, and exclaims, "I am SOOOO pretty!" She is smart, picking up on a lot of the stuff Zeke is learning in school. She loves to go treasure hunting with her daddy.
Yes, my baby is definitely growing up. And you know, I wouldn't change it. Sometimes I look at pictures like the one I just posted, and think, awww, I don't have much time left with my little girl (Yes, I'm the one who has already shed tears thinking about my kids going off to college. Hey, it's a big deal when you live thousands of miles away from where they will move to), but I wouldn't change it because I know the years to come have just as many fun stages and memories. I think I'll just work on treasuring the blessings God gives in each and every day!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Zeke ice skating
Here is a video of Zeke ice skating. It goes from Zeke skating forward, around cones, backwards, being taken for a ride by his teacher and then to him being comforted by his friends because he was crying for his family! Zeke is in the red helmet.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sickness and such . . .
The kids are sick . . . AGAIN. Z and S have both been running pretty high temperatures. This morning S woke up with a temperature of 105.4 . We didn't panic . . . much. We went through this with K not long ago, so Dan ran a cool bath, I grabbed the medicine and we had it down in no time. A few hours later Z was complaining that his chest hurt. So, we're currently in another round of sickness for this winter. Sad thing is, we're missing some great spring weather! We aren't the only ones who have struggled this winter. One family we know started taking Modifilan Pure Brown Seaweed extract believing that a lot of the sickness comes from all the mold in our homes here and that this would help. Anyone heard of it or know anything about it? The following picture was right after the cool bath, trying to get S's temperature down. She's still posing for the camera. What a mess!
So, after being stuck at home for 3 days, when Dan once again started talking about shaving his head, I said, "Okay!" Pretty handsome if I do say so myself! 

Dan went and had his knees looked at finally. Apparently 25% of the knee is missing the cartlidge that is supposed to be covering it. Ouch. No wonder he hurts when he walks too much.
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Growing up . . .
A couple of weeks ago, Zeke asked if he could go to the bakery and buy some bread for his breakfast all by himself. As Zeke gets older we have seen some different parenting instincts between us. Whereas Tami is more likely to think, sure, go for it, Dan is a little more reserved. So, Dan walked Zeke to the bakery, taught Zeke what to say, and Zeke bought us bread.
Yesterday, Zeke again asked if he could go get us some bread for breakfast. This time Tami went with him. She stood across the street and let him go the rest of the way by himself. When he got to the bakery, he didn't weigh enough to open the automatic door! The baker came and helped him with the door and greeted him excitedly. A few minutes later, a proud little boy exited the bakery with two different types of bread, exactly what we had all asked for!
Later in the morning, we decided to let the kids play out in our enclosed garden on
their own. They are both pretty careful around cars, so again, Tami was going to let them walk themselves through the parking garage to the garden. But, Dan decided he would walk them out there and teach Zeke to use his cell phone to call us when they were ready to come in. About 10 minutes after they got out there we hear Zeke yelling at the cell phone. He couldn't get it to work. So, Dan called him and Zeke informed us there were stinging bees out there. About 5 minutes later, Zeke again couldn't get the phone to work and started yelling. Dan called him back and he said that Kaiyah needed help to get on the swing. Haha! So, the phone thing didn't pan out so well, but it was nice to get them outside a little even when we didn't have the time to take them!
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Sierra has earrings!
Today, after I picked Zeke up from school we went to the park to play. When Dan got home, he decided to walk down and meet us. On the way home the kids were asking for ice cream. So, we decided to stop and get Sierra's ears pierced so we would have a reason to celebrate. She wasn't a fan of the experience, but as soon as it was over, she was good! What a cutie!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Two of my sister-in-laws do a weekly thing on their blogs where they tell what's going on in their family that week. While I love to read theirs, I'm not disciplined enough to come up with stuff to write about every week. But periodically, I can do it :) So, here's what's going on with us . . .
Dan: Dan is getting geared up for Senior Portrait season. He has committed to taking Sn. portraits again this year for an International school in the area. Zeke's preschool also asked if he would take portraits of their students, but a time hasn't been set for that yet.
Tami: Yesterday my friend invited me over spur-of-the-moment. So I grabbed Kaiyah and we went over. Well, when we got there, my friend's 3-year-old son started opening the front door, yelling and crying wanting us to leave. I watched for awhile and then asked my friend, "Do you want him to have to learn, or do you want us to leave?" She said, "I guess you should go." So we left. Culture is a funny thing.
Zeke: Two or three days ago Zeke got home from school. A few minutes later I heard him messing around in the kitchen. I went in and he was drying the dishes. He said, "I just wanted to help you by drying these dishes mommy!" So sweet. I've been reading a book called "Raising Real Men." One thing it talked about was looking at a chore and deciding who the youngest child is that could do the task. I've been trying to do that more and include both Zeke and Kaiyah in on more of the tasks around the house. Now I know drying dishes can be added to that list :) Zeke is also doing an amazing job reading. We're really proud of him.
Kaiyah: Kaiyah is the pretender in this family. I love it. Everyday I catch her with her toys in the middle of some discussion. Recently I caught her with my pick that I use for my hair. Each of the prongs (is that the right word?) was a different character. One prong was telling the other they were going to get a spanking with the naughty spoon! Ha!
Sierra: Sierra is teething again. She seems to suffer more when the big canine teeth come in, running fever, up in the night, lots of dirty diapers. BUT, she gives lots of sweet cuddles too, whereas she's normally too active for such things! She now has added nah-nah (night-night) to her vocabulary and uses it when she is tired and wants to go to bed! Still no mama though!
Have a great day!
Dan: Dan is getting geared up for Senior Portrait season. He has committed to taking Sn. portraits again this year for an International school in the area. Zeke's preschool also asked if he would take portraits of their students, but a time hasn't been set for that yet.
Tami: Yesterday my friend invited me over spur-of-the-moment. So I grabbed Kaiyah and we went over. Well, when we got there, my friend's 3-year-old son started opening the front door, yelling and crying wanting us to leave. I watched for awhile and then asked my friend, "Do you want him to have to learn, or do you want us to leave?" She said, "I guess you should go." So we left. Culture is a funny thing.
Zeke: Two or three days ago Zeke got home from school. A few minutes later I heard him messing around in the kitchen. I went in and he was drying the dishes. He said, "I just wanted to help you by drying these dishes mommy!" So sweet. I've been reading a book called "Raising Real Men." One thing it talked about was looking at a chore and deciding who the youngest child is that could do the task. I've been trying to do that more and include both Zeke and Kaiyah in on more of the tasks around the house. Now I know drying dishes can be added to that list :) Zeke is also doing an amazing job reading. We're really proud of him.
Kaiyah: Kaiyah is the pretender in this family. I love it. Everyday I catch her with her toys in the middle of some discussion. Recently I caught her with my pick that I use for my hair. Each of the prongs (is that the right word?) was a different character. One prong was telling the other they were going to get a spanking with the naughty spoon! Ha!
Sierra: Sierra is teething again. She seems to suffer more when the big canine teeth come in, running fever, up in the night, lots of dirty diapers. BUT, she gives lots of sweet cuddles too, whereas she's normally too active for such things! She now has added nah-nah (night-night) to her vocabulary and uses it when she is tired and wants to go to bed! Still no mama though!
Have a great day!
Friday, March 04, 2011
Grandma Hunt
2437 S. 128th east avenue . . . It's a funny thing, I couldn't tell you a single address of where I lived growing up, or in college. I can't remember the address of the apartment I lived in post college, shoot, I can't really even tell you my current address. But I think my Grandma's address is permanently etched in my mind. She hasn't lived there is a LOT of years, but it was the address we used for our permanent address when I was growing up overseas, so I guess that's what it is, a permanent address! My Grandma passed away yesterday, but the funny thing is, the Grandma I remember is the Grandma in this house. Dan never met this Grandma, I wished he had. So, I thought in her memory, I would share some of the memories I have of her.
When I was in 5th grade or so, my sister and I went to live with my Grandma for a few months while my parents studied language in another country. A lot of my memories come from this time period. Who can remember Grandma without thinking of jello and nutty buddies for dessert :) We always had Taco Tico tacos for lunch on Sunday because they had a 3 for $1.00 sale. And there was always cosmopolitan ice cream in the freezer.
I remember my Grandma was willing to play game after game with my sister and I. I don't know how many rounds of skipbo we played in a week! Dominoes were also a favorite of hers. She had a pool table in her garage, and she could definitely hold her own.
I remember hours of Mr. Ed, Green Acres and [gasp] soap operas! I can still hear her saying, "You're going to catch your death of cold!" and "Lawzie". I think my sister at one point started a book of all her funny sayings.
I remember her out working in her yard, mowing the lawn tirelessly even when her knees ached with arthritis. She grew tomatoes and had a pretty grape vine.
She was very giving, always looking in on her neighbors as they looked in on her. Giving people rides when they needed it. She always greeted people with a sing-songy "Good Morning!"
Before my Grandfather died, they had planned to come visit us in Africa. My grandfather passed away, but my grandmother chose to go ahead and come all that way on her own. I don't remember the circumstances, but on this visit she and another lady had to bring a fishing boat part way to get to us. I have this vision in my head of my sweet and fairly large grandma being carried over the last few waves by this little African man. Haha. I'm sure I could go on and on but I'll stop here. I'm grateful for the wonderful influence Norma Hunt was on my life and so many others around her. I am so happy that she has been released from the captivity of a body and mind that is fallen and is now complete and whole, living joyfully with our Savior.

I love you Grandma.
I love you Grandma.
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