Baby #3 has gotten little time in the blogging world. There are several reasons for this. One, when you have a 3 year old and a 1 year old, you just don't have as much time to dream and plan for child number 3. Second, when you live in 130 sq. ft. apartment, you don't have the space to dream and plan for child number 3. Third, when she has a sister exactly 2 years older, there is no NEED to plan for child number 3. And fourthly, we are finding we were extremely spoiled with all the ultrasound pictures we got with Kaiyah. With this baby, we've been given two ultrasound pictures. One of a limb of some sort. Another, a picture of her tooshy. Neither picture inspire a blog post for all the world to see. However, being almost 21 weeks, this little one has started to make her presence known. She is moving around a lot, and she frequently has hiccups. I think the more I feel her, the more I have started to dream about what she is going to be like and look like. It's always exciting to bring a new little one into the world and discover their special gifts and personalities.
Although we don't need to buy hardly anything for this little one, I did indulge in one purchase based on the recommendation of a friend. We are often on the go, and with a crowded house, nap times are likely to occur in various locations. We have a portacrib, but let's be real. Portacribs are only seriously portable for the middle class American that has the luxury of driving wherever they go. For those of us who take trams and buses and mini buses to get where we go, dragging a portacrib with you is out of the question. So, we purchased something called a peapod baby sleep tent. We just received it this week, so the kids and I decided to open it up and check it out. It's nice and compact folded up, but man, I was not prepared for how big it was when we opened it up! Nor was Kaiyah prepared for the knock in the face she got when it sprung open. Oops. Anyways, has anyone out there used on of these before? I am looking forward to seeing how useful it really ends up being!

(Folded up in it's case. Includes an inflatable mattress as well as a pump)

(Opened up and ready for use. Two willing kids to test it out!)

(The excited siblings wearing their cute BIG brother/BIG sister jammies!)