I remember sitting around last Saturday night thinking, 'We've got a whole week and it's just the first day. This is going to be so much fun!' Now, it's 2:40 a.m. and Zach and Elizabeth are getting ready to head to the airport to fly back to Memphis and I was right. We had a lot of fun this week and we'll miss them a lot when they go back. As her big brother, I feel very happy to see the way she has matured into adulthood, and to see how well Zach treats her and makes her happy. It makes me proud to see the way they love each other in a type of love that comes from God. Anyway, I'm proud to call Elizabeth my sister and Zach my brother-in-law. Here are a couple of pictures from our time together. You can see a lot more on Elizabeth's blog or her photography blog. You can also click here to see a photo album.
Zach and Elizabeth
Some of Elizabeth's photography skills.
Brother and sister.